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21 Day Fix vs. 21 Day Fix Real Time

Nicole Critchlow

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

A lot of people get confused about the difference between the original 21 Day Fix and that 21 Day Fix Real Time. I know I did! I would try to Google the differences to find an article about it, but I had a really hard time finding one! So I will quickly describe the differences for you!

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1- First off, the equipment you need. It is all the same equipment EXCEPT for you need loops with 21 Day Fix Real Time. So weights (I like to use these ones), a regular exercise mat (I personally use and love this one), and a yoga mat (this one is the best one in my opinion). And then the loops. I like to use the ones from Beachbody so I can be using the exact same resistance as they are. But these ones work too if you don't want to get the Beachbody ones. You'll have more resistance options with the ones from Amazon.

2- The original 21 Day Fix has 7 different workouts (1 for each day of the week). They are the same workouts for the whole 21 days. For example, the workout you do for Upper Fix in week 1 is the exact same workout for Upper Fix in week 3.

With 21 Day Fix Real Time, the workouts progressively get harder each week. You go heavier with your weights, you add loops, etc. That is something I really liked about the Real Time one. I feel like I got better results this time around.

3- Autumn does all the workouts with you in 21 Day Fix Real Time. In the original 21 Day Fix, she would show you the moves, then walk around to the different cast members and correct form, challenge them, etc.

4- 21 Day Fix has music. Real Time does not. There is a music playlist for Real Time in the program materials that you can stream from Spotify if you do want music. Now, here is where I'm going to put in a plug for my hubby's music. KCFRENZY has so many good songs to workout too! You can stream his music on Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Soundcloud, Tidal, and YouTube. I personally just play his music while I'm working out :) Check it out!

Hopefully these help you to distinguish the two! Have fun and enjoy getting your endorphin rush!

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