Seriously, the first trimester absolutely sucks! No one told me about morning sickness! I didn't even know it was a thing! I discovered a few things that helped me, so I'm going to share them with you. If you are experiencing the "I feel like crap all the time" first trimester (heck, maybe the whole time you are pregnant!) give these a try:
1. Sea Bands
These are lifesavers. I only took them off when I was showering. Then when I was done, they went right back on. Most people use these when they are traveling to avoid motion sickness, but they work great for morning sickness too. What they do is apply pressure to the Nei-Kuan acupressure point, which helps calm the nausea. Seriously, just get them. Click here and buy them right now. You'll thank me for it.
2. Reliefband
This nifty little wristband does the same thing as Sea Bands, but it uses electrical pulses instead of pressure on the same area as the Sea Bands do. This picture explains it:
It's actually pretty cool! And, it is a less obvious way of trying to curb the nausea during those early months if you aren't telling people. It just looks like a Fitbit or a watch!
I am going to be honest here. This worked really well for me for the first few weeks my morning sickness kicked in. But as the weeks dragged on, I found that the Sea Bands worked better. But that was just my experience :)
3. Eat
This was the hardest for me. When you have morning sickness, it's the opposite of the flu. If you don't want to feel nauseous, you need to eat. When you don't eat, you will feel more nauseous. Ugh, but how can you eat when NOTHING sounds good? Like nothing. Thinking about eating made me want to vomit. Not eating anything did make me vomit. It is a lose-lose situation. I can't tell you how sick I was of crackers, pretzels, Sprite, Ginger Ale, toast, etc. Basically, I just had to force myself. Eat what you can. As long as there is a little food in your stomach ALL THE TIME, you should be somewhat okay...
4. Unisom and Vitamin B6
Obviously, check with your doctor first before you do this combo, but the sleeping aid Unisom and vitamin B6 help curb the nausea. Doctors can prescribe you Diclegis to help with the sickness, but it is super expensive if your insurance doesn't cover it. My doctor told me that Diclegis is basically the same thing as Unisom and B6. I took half a tab of the Unisom and 25 mg of B6 at night (since Unisom is a sleeping aid) and then I usually felt pretty good in the mornings. If you get okayed by your doctor, give it a try. Buy the Unisom here and the Vitamin B6 here. Hopefully, those three tips can help you survive the first trimester/all of pregnancy! Not everything works for everyone, but these are what have helped me :) Good luck!
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