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  • Nicole Critchlow

Baby-Led Weaning

It's that time! Your baby is old enough to start eating solids! So exciting! In my house, we don't believe you have to start feeding your kids baby food.


Yep. That's right! I learned about baby-led weaning and found this book. It is amazing!

Baby-led weaning is fantastic! Benefits of this approach are:

  • It helps babies to develop hand-eye coordination

  • It teaches your kid to listen to his/her body. They decide when they are full. A lot of times with baby food, the parent will say "Oh come, just one more bite! Then we can be done!". Why do we feel the need to shove food into our baby's mouth if they are already full?

  • It can help your baby not be a picky eater, if you do it right (The "right" way is detailed in the Baby-Led Weaning book pictured above)

  • You save money because you aren't buying jars and jars and jars of baby food

This book helped me a lot! I highly recommend it if you are going the baby-led weaning way. It answers every question you can think of when it comes to this topic. Click here to get it!

**This blog contains affiliate links. I may make a commission off of qualifying purchases. Thanks!**

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