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Items That Helped Us Survive the Newborn Stage

Nicole Critchlow

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

There are SO many baby items to choose from! So many people tell you so many different things that you absolutely HAVE to have or else you won't survive! That's not true. Different things work for different people. These 5 items are what helped my husband and me survive with our newborns:

1. fridababy Windi- the GASPASSER

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Yes. You read that title correctly. New babies need help farting sometimes and these things are the best! I felt kind of weird at first using these... But I was desperate. Layla needed to freaking fart! She was so gassy! So I did some research and found these. I used coconut oil to help lubricate the tip. They have a stopper so you don't stick it up your baby's butt too far. You stick it up and let the magic begin. You'll know it's working when there is a whistling sound. Warning: a lot of the time these will also help your baby to poop. Right after you pull out the Windi. So just be ready with like a towel, an extra diaper, wipes, etc. Now. I'm not going to lie because I know I'm not the only one who thinks this. It is actually kind of fun to do.... just try it if you have a super gassy baby. Oh, and on a side note, some of the Amazon reviews are absolutely hilarious! Click here to get them (and to read the reviews)! 2. HaloVa Diaper Bag

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With my first kid, I had one of the shoulder diaper bags. And then I got this as a gift for my second. Oh my gosh. HOW did I ever survive without it?? How did I go so long with the shoulder strap one??? This backpack will make your life so much easier. It won't be sliding off your shoulder as you are trying to walk around, things won't fall out of it, and you can store way more stuff in this. Oh my gosh, I will never go back to a different diaper bag. Never. Get it here!

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This. Sleep. Swaddle. Is. AMAZING! We tried the Miracle Blanket Swaddle with our first, and it worked fine, but I wish we would have known about this! This particular swaddle is designed to let babies sleep with their hands up by their face (like they were in the womb) while preventing them from waking themselves up with the startle reflex! A lot of the time babies (like mine) will fight having their arms down by their sides. This way they are able to sleep in a familiar, comfortable position. They can suck on their fists too (like they also did in the womb). Oh my gosh, just buy it here! On a side note, this size is for newborns up to 13 lbs. They have one called the Love to Dream Swaddle UP 50/50 Transition Bag. This one is for when your baby is bigger than the 13 lbs. and is getting ready to be able to sleep with their arms free. The little pocket things that hold the arms in can be taken off with this particular sleep sack. You can learn more about it here. 4. Kids N' Such Multi-use Cover

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This cover can be used as a nursing cover, car seat cover, high chair cover, and shopping cart cover. I'll be honest, I only used it as a nursing cover and a car seat cover... But it is nice to have options. I love this because it gave me full coverage while nursing. It also fully covers the car seat! We used a different one with our first that would blow open anytime it was windy. We didn't have that issue with this one! I love how breathable and soft the material is. This company has so many different options! The one shown in the picture is the one I got when we had our baby girl. You can get that one and view other designs as well here. 5. Glow in the Dark MAM Pacifiers

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Babies love to suck on things. Pacifiers are amazing in general, but we prefer the MAM brand. We tried several different other ones and they just didn't do the trick. The great thing about these ones is that they glow in the dark! It makes it so much easier to find them without having to blind everybody by turning on the light. To get them and to check out a few other designs, click here!

Hopefully these ideas help you!

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