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My Pet Peeves

Nicole Critchlow

1. When I get woken up too early

Me on the inside (sometimes outside) when I get woken up and I'm not ready to wake up.

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I hate when I summoned to get out of my bed before 7:00am. Or when I don't get to wake up naturally. I usually am woken up by a kid singing for me to come get them out of their bed. Some people might think that singing is cute. It's not. Not when you are exhausted.

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This momma over here needs her sleep. Will I ever reach a phase in life where I get to wake up peacefully on my own every morning? Probably not.

2. When people don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze

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Why. Why is it so hard for people to remember? I don't want to breathe in whatever grossness your spewing out there! I mean, look at the picture below:

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You need to teach your kids the same thing. I really hope that the parents of the kid that was coughing all over all the other kids without covering her mouth at the farm the other day is reading this. Because..... your kid got my kid sick with that nasty cough. Here, go read my post on what to do if you have a sick kid (hint: you keep them home so they can rest and get better without spreading their grossness).

Now, I may be a bit more understanding if you have the same problem as this poor t-rex:

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But only a little more understanding.

3. When people do cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough...... WITH THEIR HANDS

You might as well just not cover your mouth at all if you're going to use your hands! Think about it. You spew all the grossness into your hands (okay, which is better than straight into the air as long as you wash your hands after), and then touch a doorknob, a phone, another person! Yuck!

How is this not common sense?

4. Clipping or picking nails in public

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This sign legit should be posted everywhere. It should be titled "Everywhere Etiquette".

To the guy in class sitting there picking his nails: this sign is for you. The sound of people clipping/picking their nails is THE WORST! It makes me CRINGE. I even have to leave the room when my husband clips his nails!

Not only is the sound horrible, but the fact that there are now fingernail clippings all over is just as bad!

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That girl's face says it all. Like, for reals. Do that at home.

5. Bad breath

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This has been a pet peeve of mine ever since I can remember. I carry gum with me everywhere I go. I don't want bad breath, and I don't want to smell your bad breath.

Well friends, there you have it. I feel a bit better after being able to vent a bit about what bugs me :)

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