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  • Nicole Critchlow

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Birthday Party

I absolutely LOVE throwing themed birthday parties for my kids. It legit is so fun for me!

For my daughter's second birthday party I wanted to do a "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" theme. I'm not going to lie, I had a hard time finding two year old birthday party ideas to go with this theme. Most of the things I found on Pinterest were either for baby showers or for 1 year old birthdays parties (I guess I missed the boat on that one?). But, I was able to pull it off!

For the decorations, I got this banner off of Amazon and just hung it above the food table. Then I just blew up some balloons and stuck them up on the end of each banner to hide the ends of the strings.

No party at my house would be complete without some sort of decoration hanging from my ceiling! Naturally, for a star party I needed to have stars hanging above us! So I got these ones:

I also got these stars to use as a possible back drop, but I didn't have time to get them put up. But I have used them for other parties and they have been awesome!

For my table decorations, I used this centerpiece and this tablecloth, both pictured below.

You may have noticed (or not noticed) that there is some star confetti on the table. I punched out the confetti myself with my crafting stuff. But these ones would work just great!

Let's talk food! I felt like having breakfast foods for dinner was appropriate given the theme. So, we had chocolate chip waffles, bacon, egg casserole, fresh fruit, and different juice options. It was perfect and everyone loved it!

I got plates, cups, and napkins to go along with our theme:

You can get the plates here, the cups here, and the napkins here!

Now for the cake.... I am proud to say that I didn't struggle with her cake for this party like I did for her first year birthday party (you can read about that experience here)!

I know, I am not meant to be a baker of cakes.... but this one turned out decent. It was still edible! I got the little topped for the cake here.

This party was so much fun! My daughter had a blast and so did all of the people who came!

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