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What to do if You Have a Sick Kid

Nicole Critchlow

Is your kid coughing a sick cough? Stay home.

Does your kid have a constant snot fountain on their face? Stay home.

Does your kid have a fever? Stay home.

Is your kid puking? Stay home.

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I am amazed at how many parents don't keep their kids home when they are sick with something! Now, don't get me wrong. I get that there are kids who have asthma or other conditions where they cough and have runny noses that aren't contagious. But for the kids who are contagious, I just wonder why the heck are they not at home resting?

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I'm not overly paranoid about germs. Germs are everywhere! But that doesn't mean I want your kid coughing all over my kid. Being sick isn't fun for anyone!

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I know, I get it. Being at home with sick kids is incredibly inconvenient and super not fun. Especially when you know that you are most likely next in line to get whatever your kid has.

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Good news, I do have a few things that will help you get through being stuck at home with the grossness! These are my top three things that help me make it through the days:

First off, know that it is absolutely okay to let your kids watch movies all day. Really, I promise you that their brains will not melt into mush! It does not make you a bad parent for doing that. When there are sick kids, or when you yourself are sick, you kind of have to move into survival mode. If surviving the days means watching tv all day, go for it!

Second, if your kid is stuffy or coughing (or both) but they are still in good spirits and somehow still have energy, go outside for a little bit! If it is sunny and warm, just go in the front/back yard, go for a super short walk, or simply just sit out there. If it is snowy, maybe just stand on the porch for a minute. Even just a few breaths of fresh air outside helps.

My last thing is to read books, color, or play a game. If your kid just is wanting to lounge on the couch, sit down and read to them. If your kid is feeling well enough, you can always color or play a game with them. My kid really likes to play Memory, Candy Land, or Chutes and Ladders.

Any of these things help pass the time, and time is what is needed for sickness to pass. Just know that you will be okay, your kid will eventually stop coughing on you, and you'll be able to go out in public again. Stay strong!

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